One of the objectives of our project is to create a mentoring process and mentorship relationships to guide women entrepreneurs in their journey towards exponential growth in the digital business.

Trust is also one of the most important elements in the mentor/mentee relationship. Trust isn’t something that comes quickly or easily; instead, it requires time and patience to build. It requires specific traits from both parties to be fulfilled.

For a mentor to be trustworthy, the mentee must believe in the person’s competencies, motives, and overall personality. A mentor’s ability to act as a role model for the mentee is of great importance.

At the same time, a mentee must be willing to commit to the relationship and respect the mentor's time (in most cases, mentors are volunteers) and effort.

Some practical tips to use in the mentoring sessions are the following:

• Active Listening: Mentees need to feel fully "heard". Good mentors talk less, listen more, and very intently. • When the mentor responds to the mentee, they should be open, sincere, and, above all, be able to see things from the mentee’s point of view.

• Mentors could share relevant personal experiences from a time when they were being mentored or when they experienced similar situations.

• Mentors should always keep their promises towards their mentees, especially the confidentiality element. • It enriches the process when mentors encourage questions of any type and assure the mentee that there is no such thing as a "silly" question.

• Moreover, mentors should acknowledge the mentee's strengths and accomplishments during the mentoring process.

• Mentors should also acknowledge the mentees’ existing knowledge and celebrate their progress during the ongoing process.

ADA’s valuable Mentors, Mentees, and Colleagues, enjoy this exciting mentoring journey!